David McGrath is dedicated to sharing the philosophical and psychological principles, and practices of yoga with a focus on promoting the holistic capacity of yoga to provide insight into what it means to be human and how we can appreciate and live in tune with the fundamental nature of life.

David was ordained by Mr. Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, as a minister within the tradition of Kriya Yoga, in 2011. He is trained and experienced as an educator and coach, and is currently completing his formation as a psychoanalytical psychotherapist within the Lacanian school of psychoanalysis.

David McGrath offers instruction and guidance through one-to-one consultations, organised retreats, online programmes, public seminars and workshops, and written publications.  

David imagines a world awakened in oneness and invites people to follow a path which will allow them to clarify their conscious awareness.